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Veigroup On-Board Weighing - An excellent machine with a technological add on

Veigroup On-Board Weighing - An excellent machine with a technological add on

Veigroup (Italy) - It is always a question of knowing what we are doing, if we are doing it right or we could do it better, if what we handle allows us to invest in more performing machines or simply increase them, finally the downtime not used for loading, for sale, is it used for the purpose of efficiency or left undefined? If the margin obtained from the sale and transformation of a product is reduced to a minimum, this research becomes the source of survival in a context where funding must be calculated down to the millimeter. The control of production processes has at its source the knowledge of the weight, volume or quantity of the processed product, it depends in which sector it is implemented.

HelperX by Vei adapts to this purpose, conceived before 4.0 and found itself the product of choice when times have matured like today, offering a remarkable service for the knowledge of the quantity of material handled, to whom or where it is handled , in which vehicle or container, to update the cloud and be able to remotely determine the daily flow rate that the machine can handle together with the load times, what the sales trend is, which customers keep yours aims.

This is the case of an Italian company engaged in recycling which has found in Volvo the ideal partner in the supply of a high-performance, productive and dynamic in closed places wheel loader which, together with the on-board weighing and production control system, HelperX produced by Vei, creates a cutting-edge product capable of providing optimal results that the company recognizes in productivity, energy savings, knowledge of movements in real time, decision-making capacity based on safety in the means of production tools put in place.

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