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VEI Excavator Weighing comes from long time back

VEI Excavator Weighing comes from long time back

Veigroup (Brazil) - VEI On Board Weighing Solutions is featuring the innovation in load-out management with its new Millennium5 and HelperX wheel loader scales offering superior quality supported by intensive lab testing at TUV.

VEI On Board Weighing is having these days a great increase of Mining Excavator applications where VEI has pioneered the industry with its first installations back in 2003. The late increase is due to mining expansions in automation with short term return on investment. With VEI Excavator On board weighing unit the ROI is 3 weeks, taking into consideration the huge amount of investment for a giant excavator and the tons it moves a day. In fact VEI excavator system has no different value for mini excavators or giant excavators because the weighing concept must be the same.

VEI equipments cover the all minig production phase with Loaders, Excavators and Trucks OnBoard Weighing. Trucks On Board Weighing is still of prime importance because the responsability of overloading still rely on the truck driver and not from the excavator driver as an example. When the truck has its own system mounted, based on the weight it is hauling, the truck speed can be adjusted in accordance with the manufacturer specifications and or the mining safety rules.

Therefore having the weighing system on the excavator is good but not sufficient if we look into the mining safety and union environment.

VEI with its Excavator Weighing reaches 1% accuracy on Giant Mining Excavators which is a great plus when compared to the competition.


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