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OHAUS Introduced the Aviator 7000 Advanced Price Computing Scale

OHAUS Introduced the Aviator 7000 Advanced Price Computing Scale

Ohaus Corporation (USA) - Keyboard Technology and Simple User Interface Increases Workflow for Range of Retail Environments.

OHAUS Corporation, a leading worldwide manufacturer of scales and balances, announced the launch of Aviator® 7000 advanced price computing retail scales. Designed for reliable, high-speed weighing and price computing operation, Aviator 7000 is ideal for a variety of retail environments including open markets, mobile businesses and specialty shops.

Available in both a compact design or with a tower for optimized customer viewing, both models are available in three capacity/readability ranges: 15 x 0.005 lb / 30 x 0.01 lb and 30 x 0.01 lb / 60 x 0.02 lb. Aviator 7000 can be connected to a cash register or printer for a fully integrated point-of-sale system and has a 100 PLU memory.

Aviator 7000’s 24 preset keys on the light-touch keyboard make the inputting of prices and daily operation very simple, helping to increase the speed of workflow and the ability to more quickly serve customers. For cost-efficiency and the optimal hygiene required in food applications, the keysheet layers can be easily replaced when worn or soiled.

Aviator 7000 is constructed from stamped parts with a sturdy frame, and has a large, robust stainless steel platform which provides enough surface room for the weighing of larger items. Developed to ensure food safety, the platform is also water resistant and can be easily cleaned in order to assure sanitary conditions. Aviator 7000 features a bright LCD display containing four lines, which includes a separate preset tare line that is vivid and easily viewable by both customer and merchant.

To deliver full mobility, the lightweight Aviator 7000 can be powered by rechargeable NiMH batteries or standard alkaline D-cell commercial batteries.

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