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METTLER TOLEDO‘s Webinar Explains Financial Impact of Truck Scale Accuracy

METTLER TOLEDO‘s Webinar Explains Financial Impact of Truck Scale Accuracy

METTLER TOLEDO (Switzerland) - When goods are bought and sold in truckloads based on weight, truck scale accuracy directly impacts the bottom line of the businesses that use them. Every pound or kilogram of scale error is critical to the financial transactions. However, all scales have some amount of error in weight readings. Many businesses are weighing within legal-for-trade tolerances, but are nonetheless giving away truckloads of goods in the process.

METTLER TOLEDO’s free 8-minute webinar, “Understanding Truck Scale Accuracy,” explains the importance of weighing accuracy in applications in which goods are bought and sold in truckloads based on weight. It also describes how even very small errors in each transaction can affect the business’s finances and what can be done to go beyond meeting tolerances to weigh “on target.”

METTLER TOLEDO also offers a free calculator to determine the amount of error that is legally acceptable in weighing applications that use truck scales. This calculator can help businesses understand the level of uncertainty in their weight readings and the level of risk to their business. METTLER TOLEDO also offers a free calculator to determine the amount of error that is legally acceptable in weighing applications that use truck scales. This calculator can help businesses understand the level of uncertainty in their weight readings and the level of risk to their business.

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