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KSE starts first phase of new buildings

KSE starts first phase of new buildings

KSE Process Technology (Netherlands) - Recently, KSE started the first phase of the new buildings. This includes a complete new assembly hall.

KSE started the first phase of a range of new buildings. In this phase, a new assembly hall is being build. “If everything goes according to plan, this hall will be ready at the end of this year”, said CEO Adriaan Smulders. “The new buildings are an essential part of realizing the desired growth of KSE and step by step getting the company ready for the future”.

The new assembly hall is part of a five-year plan, after which the complete range of new buildings need to be ready. In the following phases, two new offices will be build and an optimization of the current building will take place. All stages are set out in a master plan, which ensures the development consciously and well thought along with the company.

The current building is situated at a location with enough space for the new buildings. This allows the company to remain based in the technological area called Brainport, where Smart Industry plays an increasingly important role. A perfect breeding ground for KSE to continue to develop both technologically and organizationally.


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