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Custom Indicator Promotes Safety and Enables Easy Monitoring for Multi-Cylinder Fire Suppression System

Custom Indicator Promotes Safety and Enables Easy Monitoring for Multi-Cylinder Fire Suppression System

Scaletron Industries Ltd. (United States) - Market: Fire Protection Systems. Application: Weighing gas cylinders containing carbon dioxide (CO2) in a fire suppression system.

The Challenge:

Plans for the new 58 story Bank of America Tower in downtown Manhattan included a 4.6-megawatt cogeneration plant, which was designed to provide part of the base-load energy requirements for this environmentally friendly skyscraper. The customer was looking for a way to increase safety and easily monitor the contents in gas cylinders as part of a carbon dioxide fire suppression system being installed in the cogeneration plant. The customer wanted to monitor the contents of five (5) CO2 cylinders simultaneously. They needed to display gross weight remaining for each cylinder and wanted to have a simple way to view the weight of each cylinder at a local display.

Scaletron’s Solution – A Custom Indicator:

Scaletron’s local distributor, TI-Sales, Inc. met with the customer to evaluate the plans for the new fire suppression system and determine their requirements. After careful analysis, they recommended Scaletron’s 2308™ Gas Cabinet Scale as an excellent solution to handle the weighing of the gas cylinders in a critical, safety-related application such as fire protection. Specifically designed for accurate weighing of corrosive chemicals, Scaletron’s Gas Cabinet Scales feature corrosion resistant, all stainless steel construction plus stainless steel hardware and load cells. In addition, they come standard with a 4-20mA output or a connection to a Scaletron 3-1/2 digit indicator using the load cell’s signal.

To meet the customer’s needs, a system was installed that included five (5) 12” x 12” Model 2308 Scale bases to accommodate the diameter of the CO2 cylinders. In this case, however, rather that having five independent displays, the customer wanted to reduce the footprint of the displays for ease of reading and monitoring. As a result, Scaletron designed a custom indicator box that housed all five displays in one convenient, easy to read panel. The system used the 4-20 mA output signal from each of the scales bases to drive the five individual digital displays that were all mounted inside a single NEMA 4X enclosure. Constructed of corrosion resistant, fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP), the indicator box also included a power supply for the system. Prior to shipment, Scaletron calibrated and tested the system to display the gross weight of all five platforms continuously.

Benefits – Improved Safety & Monitoring:

The Scaletron Gas Cylinder Scales enabled the client to meet its goal of safety and ease of monitoring in its fire suppression system. In addition, the new scales gave them precise control over the amount of CO2 remaining in each cylinder providing ample time for cylinder replacement when low.


Image 1 Caption:

Gas Cabinet Scales for Weighing CO2 Cylinders in Cogeneration Plant Fire Suppression System.

Image 2 Caption:

Custom Indicator Box Houses Displays for Five Scale Bases in One Convenient Enclosure.

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