RADWAG XA 5Y.A Professional Analytical Balance
RADWAG XA 5Y.A Professional Analytical Balance
- Published in: 27-Dec-2019
- Category: Scales/Balances > Balances
- Country/Region: mazowieckie, Poland
Innovative solutions applied in ELLIPSIS analytical balances guarantee extraordinary precision of top-class measuring equipment.
Maximum capacity [Max]: 52 g - 520 g
Readability [d]: 0.01 mg / 0.1 mg
The Best Possible Repeatability and USP Regulations Conformity:
The best weighing accuracy and repeatability – with sd ≤ 1d combined with USP regulations conformity (Section 41 and 1251) make 5Y balances a new standard for mass measurement quality.
Innovative 2-Point Adjustment System:
Brand new adjustment system guarantees the highest measurement accuracy. It minimizes linearity errors simultaneously providing reliable indications for the whole weighing range.
Reflex Level System:
New autolevelling system in XA 5Y.A analytical balances ensures:
- ground tilt test,
- automatic balance levelling,
- control of the correct balance level,
- confirmation of correct balance level on adjustment and weighing reports.
Door Opening Automation:
The innovative weighing chamber system for door opening and closing guarantees smooth and quiet door movement, and eliminates vibrations that may disturb the measurement. The solution enables to define how wide the door is to be opened.
Antistatic Weighing Chamber:
XA 5Y.A microbalance is a device where the influence of electrostatics onto the weighing result has been eliminated due to use of special antistatic coating of the glass panes, and thanks to an in-built ionizer.
The ionizer compensates electric charges inside the weighing chamber upon placing the sample in it. The lower relative humidity and a reading unit of the balance, the more evident influence of static electricity.
The ionizer neutralizes any uncompensated electric charge accumulated on the weighed object. The influence of static electricity gives greater repeatability error, often also greater error of indication.
Measurement errors, due to the harmful effects of electrostatics, often reach the value of thousands of reading units and more. The problem concerns non-conductive samples, e.g. glass flasks, paper filters, plastics, etc.
Antistatic ionizer implemented in XA 5Y.A balances, due to the application of modern technology, compensates both cations and anions. The ionizer activates when the balance door opens, and deactivates when the door is closed. It is possible to control ionizer operation using weighing instrument panel. The operation is signalled by blue LED diode which emits light when the ionizer is on.
Smart Min Weight:
With use of the "Smart Min Weight" function, the XA 5Y.A automatically adjusts resolution of the range to the currently weighed mass. This results with improvement of the minimum sample weight parameter by 30%.
Warnings System:
When the sensors for constant monitoring of ambient conditions and level status record deviations, the balance displays warnings about potential errors occurrence during weighing.
21 CFR Part 11 Compliance Module:
XA 5Y.A balances are compliant with 21 CFR part 11 and EU GMP part 4, annex 11. This means that the XA 5Y series features numerous functions for protecting and monitoring work results of particular operators. Full data protection is ensured by:
- advanced password settings,
- verification of log-in operation correctness,
- assigning permissions to operators,
- auto log out,
- electronic signature, e.g. for series of measurements,
- granting/denying access to data management
- data backup,
- modifications saved to Audit Trail file.
Ergonomic Mechanical Design:
Latch-type system of weighing chamber components fastening allows fast and easy tool-free assembly/disassembly, which facilitates keeping the chamber clean, and which makes it easy to install a manual adapter for pipettes calibration.
Smart system of pressures equalization guarantees stable measurement. It eliminates errors generated by rapid change of pressure inside the weighing chamber.
A real novelty is an option of lighting the weighing pan up using a LED diode, the diode does not affect the weighing chamber temperature.
Mobile Control:
Standard Wireless Connection means possibility to send data from 5Y balance to a mobile iOS or Android device via special data management apps. Wireless communication between the indicator and the weighing instrument enables operating the 5Y balance that is placed inside laminar flow hoods and fume cupboards.
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